Home » Blog » Blog Content » How to update an old blog post (and why you should!) + CHECKLIST


  1. Hi Eb! I have been searching your site and others to find out about changing the date when updating an old post. I have read from both camps: change the date to the current date and therefore ‘republishing’ it, bringing it to the front of my blog, and leaving the date/reindexing it with Google Search Console. Can you tell me what is best to do when updating old posts? Thank you!

    1. Hi Cindy! No matter whether you change the date or leave it where it is, Google will still find the changes, so there’s no need to change the date and ‘republish’ for Google’s benefit. I only advise doing that when it makes sense for your readers (like when I changed my 2021 dated content to 2022), or when you are making a very big change. And, actually Google came out and said pretty much the same thing, recently… ‘Google’s John Mueller said it only makes sense to update the date on a piece of content or article when you either “write something new or significantly change something existing.”‘ >>> https://www.seroundtable.com/google-update-content-date-32878.html Hope that helps! Eb 🙂

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