Home » Blog » Grow your Blog » SEO Tips » 17 reasons why your blog post is not ranking on Google (And how to fix them!)


  1. Thank you SO MUCH for putting this blog post together! No kidding, this is as comprehensive as some PAID courses I’ve taken. Wish I had found this sooner. This truly is everything you need to know about ranking.

  2. Thanks a lot for the above tips. Very few of my pages have been ranking and I’ve been wondering why the rest don’t rank. Thanks for the tips as I intend to rectify my errors.

  3. Outstanding! really loved your content, but I think I have some kinda complicated issue, so here is the thing, recently I purchased an expired domain, did tons of research and posted really high-quality content, and within 24 hours my first and second posts were ranking in top 10, but after 3 days it totally vanished from result page for that keyword, no matter if I check it putting “allintitle:posttitle”, it doesn’t show up, instead, now homepage ranks for it, and I have checked everything, my domain has no issue no penalty from google or anything like that, and now none of my post out of 20 ranks for there targeted keyword, although I have SEO score of 90 for all of them in rankmath plugin, so now I don’t know what to do, looking forward for your response, thanks.

    1. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I would not expect a new website to be ranking well on Google. Although you purchased an expired domain, Google will very much see your website as brand new and treat it accordingly. The fact that you ranked top 10 in the first 24 hours was probably Google doing some kind of testing – that’s certainly not normal on a brand new website. As I mention in point 4 above, I’m afraid the remedy is to be patient… you may have to wait 3-6 months before you start ranking on Google. I recommend you read everything you can about SEO and publish as much high quality content as you can. Producing lots of high quality content, focusing on building topical authority and ensuring your whole website is optimized for SEO are the best ways to speed up the process. Eb 🙂

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