Home » Blog » Grow your Blog » How to be your own best publicist: PR tips from Honest Mum


  1. Thanks so much for having me on your brilliant blog Eb and for sharing my tips. Your blog is brimming with vital advice and you’re an inspiration, much love x

    1. Aw, thanks so much Vicki for agreeing to do a guest post for me. Your tips are so useful!! And thanks for your kind words about my blog – means a lot xx

  2. Such a great read! As a blogging duo, Lesley and I both have successful careers behind us in both finance and HR/Training and Development. We should know and do all of those things, but after being a stay at home mum for a while now its really had to big yourself up in the food blogging world and sell yourself. Thanks for the pep talk, PERFECT TIMING!

    Lost in Food

    1. Thanks Michelle. Vicki’s tips are fab aren’t they? So useful and, like you say, sometimes you need a bit of a pep talk!! Eb x

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