Home » Blog » Blog Content » How to write high quality blog posts that rank (according to Google)


  1. Hi Eb, I’m doing more cornerstone posts and internal linking. I’m trying to create more “silos” posts on the same topic but with different information on each of them. I find it hard to write longer posts though. I tend to get to 1200-1500 words but when I update old ones I can get over the 2,000-word count. I don’t like to stuff words just for word count though.
    It’s interesting that Google is letting us know more of what they want to rank sites higher.
    Thanks for your tips Eb.

    1. Oh I 100% agree you shouldn’t stuff words in just to hit a word count! I always say a blog post should be as long as it needs to be to fully answer the searcher’s query… and not a word longer! But it is true that often longer posts perform better – because they are more complete / comprehensive. If you need help writing longer blog posts, you might like to check out this post >>> https://www.productiveblogging.com/longer-blog-posts/

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